Jazz piano, Scot Ranney

Playing jazz internationally since 1991. Fun enjoyable jazz piano for all occasions.

Jazz and cocktail piano from Vancouver, B.C. to Seattle. Small to medium size jazz bands with vocals or without for all types of venues and occasions. Scot has extensive experience and a passion for leading house bands overseas and locally.

Scot is also available for jazz lessons, master classes, and other jazz education opportunities such as jazz camps. guest artist teaching, and lectures. He also is experienced in arranging and composing music for film, radio, and other productions.

If you're looking for jazz piano, composing, teaching, performing and somewhat interesting word usements,  you've come to the right place.

Transcription and Lead Sheet Services

"Scot has prepared a number of lead sheets for me and he has always been prompt, accurate and professional. He has also made valuable suggestions at times when needed, for example changing chords to improve or correct the harmony and make progressions flow more smoothly. I highly recommend his services! ~Rogert Frankham"

New Piano Music from Scot Ranney

New Jazz Piano Notebooks Released

If you're into the Jazz Piano Notebook series, there have been three new additions in the last year. It's exciting because Tim Richards, who is a world class player and author several highly regarded jazz piano books, wrote Volume 3 and Jeff Brent, another great player and author, and one of the founding members of LearnJazzPiano.com wrote Volume 4.

Thursday Night Jam Sessions

This has been put on hold while the Covid19 pandemic rages. In the meantime, I've been doing some solo piano jamming live stream on facebook. Check here for vids and live performances: 


Scot Ranney Music Videos

Here are some videos of live performances from the past few years.

World Vistors

That's right, you got it, there is no point to this apart from simple curiousity.

Bellingham Jazz Jam Session

Join us for a Bellingham Jazz Jam on Sundays from 6-9pm at Boundary Bay Brewery. Boundary Bay is a great spot for listening as well as playing and has always done a lot to support things like this. The Scot Ranney and friends jam session originally ran from 2001 to 2006, and now we are here for the last year of this great establishment.

YouTube Channel

I'm challenging myself to post regular YouTube piano shorts and vids: https://www.youtube.com/@scotranney8456

Chico's Paradise

Looking for Chico's music? Look no further. Download the Chico's Paradise live recording from the early 2000's.

An Hour of New Piano Music by Scot

More videos of Scot Ranney's music: play list 1, play list 2

News, Updates, Doggerel

When there isn't a piano,
Scot plays the Nord Stage2 EX

Nord Stage 2 EX - Scot Ranney's keyboard of choice. Nord Stage2 EX

A perfectly awesome keyboard.



Scot's online jazz piano community, since 1995. Forums, questions answered, and a ton of unique jazz piano resources.

Scot's Scripts Web Development

Website, ecommerce, and general consultation. Since 1997. Have an idea? Anything can happen with custom web apps.

Original Sheet Music on Score Exchange

Solo piano sheet music arrangements of original compositions, Christmas music, Celtic classics, and more.

Featured Content

Calvin and Hobbes: The Last Adventure

A story about Calvin and Hobbes, a memorial and look at what Calvin's last day might have been like.

Toilets that Flush, a Personal Review

A review of the American Standard Siphonic Dual Flush Toilet

The Day of the Chin, or, Strangling Chickens and Yummy Griblets

The band accepts no one into the inner circle without an offering. Drinks are acceptable.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery – Hong Kong

Visiting the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery is like walking into a kung fu movie inside a hidden Chinese mountain temple. Photos and directions.

Email/Newsletter List

Keep up to date with Scot's gigs, publications, and other musical endeavors. Contact Scot to be added to the newsletter.

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Copyright © 2025 by Scot Ranney