Jazz Lessons, Teaching and Education

Lessons, books, education, and more.

Music education has always been a passion for Scot and he enjoys teaching jazz and jazz piano at camps and other jazz education programs from Bellingham to Hong Kong.

He is an expert at jazz theory and helping students find ways break out of melodic and harmonic habits so they can have as much fun as possible playing music.

Teaching is just as much fun for me as performing. Teaching jazz to students of any instrument, vocalists as well, helps me pass my passion for having fun playing music to other people. Piano is my main instrument, but jazz is not as much about how to play your instrument as it is a language. Your instrument is your voice and your improvisation and playing with other jazzers is conversation in the language of jazz.

Jazz Piano Lessons (and other instruments)

Contact me if you’re in the Bellingham/Vancouver/Seattle area and want to take face-to-face jazz lessons or jazz piano lessons. If you are too far away for in-person lessons, we can get together for lessons via Google Hangouts or Skype. One of my strengths is the fact that I came from a classical background so I know what classical pianists are going through when they struggle with getting into jazz. 

Classical to jazz is not impossible, it just takes a bit of a paradigm shift, and I can certainly help you with that.

Be sure to check out LearnJazzPiano.com, a free site I put up in the mid 90's for lessons, forums, and almost 25 years of jazz piano related information.

Jazz Vocal Lessons

I've played with professional vocalists for decades and if you're a vocalist who wants to be a professional, or a pro vocalist who just wants to work some stuff out, my experience in this area can help you get to the next level. I know what it takes for a vocalist to get hired on a regular basis, because not only do I play with a lot of vocalists, I hire vocalists for gigs. 

Some of the ways I can help a vocalist is simply talking about what it's like out there as a professional, repertoire that you need to have in your bag, ways of opening up music, engaging the audience, and more. If you want to travel the world singing in lounges to preparing for a recording or just get better, working out with a pianist who has a lot of experience with vocalists is a must.

The International Music Improvisation Curriculum

The International Music Improvisation Curriculum (IMIC) is one of my pet projects and has been created to help bridge the gap between reading music and making music.

IMIC does this by treating music styles as languages and improvisation as conversation. The IMIC curriculum can be taught to music students of all ages and experience levels and is equally effective with any instrumentation or musical style. It is perfect for classical pianists who are looking for a way into jazz. 


The "Jazz Piano Notebook" series are books about things jazz pianists like to play, things they do while they are playing, tricks of the trade, and more. These books will give you ideas that you can use in your playing right now. Please see the "Books and Publications" page for more information.

Bellingham Jazz Jam Session

Join us for a Bellingham Jazz Jam on Sundays from 6-9pm at Boundary Bay Brewery. Boundary Bay is a great spot for listening as well as playing and has always done a lot to support things like this. The Scot Ranney and friends jam session originally ran from 2001 to 2006, and now we are here for the last year of this great establishment.

YouTube Channel

I'm challenging myself to post regular YouTube piano shorts and vids: https://www.youtube.com/@scotranney8456

Chico's Paradise

Looking for Chico's music? Look no further. Download the Chico's Paradise live recording from the early 2000's.

An Hour of New Piano Music by Scot

More videos of Scot Ranney's music: play list 1, play list 2

News, Updates, Doggerel

When there isn't a piano,
Scot plays the Nord Stage2 EX

Nord Stage 2 EX - Scot Ranney's keyboard of choice. Nord Stage2 EX

A perfectly awesome keyboard.



Scot's online jazz piano community, since 1995. Forums, questions answered, and a ton of unique jazz piano resources.

Scot's Scripts Web Development

Website, ecommerce, and general consultation. Since 1997. Have an idea? Anything can happen with custom web apps.

Original Sheet Music on Score Exchange

Solo piano sheet music arrangements of original compositions, Christmas music, Celtic classics, and more.

Featured Content

Calvin and Hobbes: The Last Adventure

A story about Calvin and Hobbes, a memorial and look at what Calvin's last day might have been like.

Toilets that Flush, a Personal Review

A review of the American Standard Siphonic Dual Flush Toilet

The Day of the Chin, or, Strangling Chickens and Yummy Griblets

The band accepts no one into the inner circle without an offering. Drinks are acceptable.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery – Hong Kong

Visiting the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery is like walking into a kung fu movie inside a hidden Chinese mountain temple. Photos and directions.

Email/Newsletter List

Keep up to date with Scot's gigs, publications, and other musical endeavors. Contact Scot to be added to the newsletter.

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Copyright © 2025 by Scot Ranney