Somewhere along the line developers forgot that sometimes when people listen to music they want to adjust the right left balance without having to load audio into a DAW such as ProTools or Ableton Live.
In my case I want to do this if I’m working on tunes with Jamey Aebersold or Hal Leonard play along tracks.
Download the util here from (see images at bottom)
Adjusting the balance used to be as important as the volume knob. What happened?
Shouldn’t there be an easier way, a one click way, of adjusting right and left balance in Windows without loading up a DAW or going into the audio properties? Yes, and lucky for us, there is.
I found a utility called SimpleSndVol that sits in your system tray that gives you a perfect little right left balance adjuster that works with all audio software. Windows Media player, Winamp, Foobar, VLC, you name it, you can adjust the balance.
It only uses .1 MB of memory and no other resources.
And it works.
“SimpleSndVol is a simple application that sits in your system tray near the clock and provides some useful and fast ways to control your sound volume and balance.”
I use it. It’s safe. It installs fast.
You’re welcome!
Little greenish speaker in system tray: