Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong – July-Jan 2015

Felicity Visic, Andrew Simmons, and Scot Ranney play the Captain's Bar at the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong.
Scot is playing in Hong Kong in 2015 from July to New Years with Felicity Visic and Andrew Simmons.
by 2015-01-08

Search Tag Results for music

Don’t Let Your Son or Daughter Quit Piano Lessons

Allowing your child to quit piano lessons before they are 18 almost always turns into a lasting regret for both parents and children.

Treat piano lessons as a fact of life, a daily thing like brushing teeth. It's good for the mind and the body and gives your kids a better chance at success.

How to Buy a Quality Grand Piano For a Good Price

If you run a venue, hotel, or have a living room that needs a grand piano, these guidelines will help you get a great instrument for the best price.

Buying a grand piano is a lot of fun, but if you're going to spend big money on a piano make sure you're not buying a glossy paint job with a rusty engine. Piano salesmen are just as bad as used car dealers.

How to Remove Keys on a Yamaha S90 ES Keyboard

Yamaha keyboards are great instruments and there's a simple trick to removing the keys for cleaning and/or repair.

How to remove the keys from your Yamaha S90 ES keyboard. Remove keys from other Yamaha keyboards with this information too.

Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong – July-Jan 2015 (current post)

Felicity Visic, Andrew Simmons, and Scot Ranney play the Captain's Bar at the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong.

Scot is playing in Hong Kong in 2015 from July to New Years with Felicity Visic and Andrew Simmons.


Jazz and Cocktail Piano, small to medium sized bands with or without vocals.

Scot plays jazz piano in Vancouver, B.C., Bellingham, Seattle, Portland, and other cities on the west coast.

Extensive experience in leading house bands in upscale venues overseas in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and other cities.

Scot's music is fun, professional, and memorable.

Scot Ranney Bio

Jazz piano from Vancouver to Seattle to the Far East.

Bellingham, Washington, jazz pianist available for U.S. and overseas opportunities.

Scot plays solo jazz piano in Vancouver, B.C. and other parts of Canada, Bellingham, Seattle, Portland, and the surrounding area.

Specializes in jazz and cocktail piano, leading small to medium size jazz groups with vocals or without, in all types of venues for all occasions.


Photo Gallery of Scot Ranney's bands and other music endeavors.

Photos of Scot Ranney and jazz and other music related activities.

Oh Christmas Tree for Jazz Piano

Oh Tannenbaum for Jazz Piano, Just in Time for Christmas!

"Oh Christmas Tree" sheetmusic for jazz piano.

Lead Sheet Service

Music Transcription and Lead Sheet Services

Professional lead sheet and music engraving since the 1980's. Scot has made thousands of lead sheets, transcriptions, charts, and score reductions for his bands and his clients projects. Source material for lead sheets is anything from old hand written charts to sheetmusic and score reductions to transcribing music from virtually any source.

All lead sheets and other music publishing is done with Sibelius software. Scot also offers personal Sibelius lessons and Sibelius tutorials.

Original post...

I’m playing music at the Captain’s Bar at the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong from July 2015 to January. I have Andrew Simmons with me playing bass and Felicity Visic is singing.

Andy started out playing with me in the 90’s at the JJ Mahoney’s club in the Seoul Grand Hyatt. That was a crazy gig, but we’ve been playing together on and off ever since and that has really helped the music for this gig be a lot of fun.

Sometimes a hotel gig can get old fast but with fun musicians around you it’s easier to stay positive when you’re playing six nights a week.

Here I am in my little piano nook at the Captain's Bar.

Hiking in Hong Kong is a lot of fun, here's a view of the city from the top of Hong Kong island.

gigs hong kong music scot ranney

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How to Remove Keys on a Yamaha S90 ES Keyboard

How to Remove Keys on a Yamaha S90 ES Keyboard

Yamaha keyboards are great instruments and there's a simple trick to removing the keys for cleaning and/or repair.

How to remove the keys from your Yamaha S90 ES keyboard. Remove keys from other Yamaha keyboards with this information too.

Don’t Let Your Son or Daughter Quit Piano Lessons

Don’t Let Your Son or Daughter Quit Piano Lessons

Allowing your child to quit piano lessons before they are 18 almost always turns into a lasting regret for both parents and children.

Treat piano lessons as a fact of life, a daily thing like brushing teeth. It's good for the mind and the body and gives your kids a better chance at success.

Science & Technology

Science news and discoveries. Covering everything from the environment to matter to energy to the cosmos to the animal kingdom and more.

Bellingham Jazz Jam Session

Join us for a Bellingham Jazz Jam on Sundays from 6-9pm at Boundary Bay Brewery. Boundary Bay is a great spot for listening as well as playing and has always done a lot to support things like this. The Scot Ranney and friends jam session originally ran from 2001 to 2006, and now we are here for the last year of this great establishment.

YouTube Channel

I'm challenging myself to post regular YouTube piano shorts and vids:

Chico's Paradise

Looking for Chico's music? Look no further. Download the Chico's Paradise live recording from the early 2000's.

An Hour of New Piano Music by Scot

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News, Updates, Doggerel

When there isn't a piano,
Scot plays the Nord Stage2 EX

Nord Stage 2 EX - Scot Ranney's keyboard of choice. Nord Stage2 EX

A perfectly awesome keyboard.


Scot's online jazz piano community, since 1995. Forums, questions answered, and a ton of unique jazz piano resources.

Scot's Scripts Web Development

Website, ecommerce, and general consultation. Since 1997. Have an idea? Anything can happen with custom web apps.

Original Sheet Music on Score Exchange

Solo piano sheet music arrangements of original compositions, Christmas music, Celtic classics, and more.

Featured Content

Calvin and Hobbes: The Last Adventure

A story about Calvin and Hobbes, a memorial and look at what Calvin's last day might have been like.

Toilets that Flush, a Personal Review

A review of the American Standard Siphonic Dual Flush Toilet

The Day of the Chin, or, Strangling Chickens and Yummy Griblets

The band accepts no one into the inner circle without an offering. Drinks are acceptable.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery – Hong Kong

Visiting the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery is like walking into a kung fu movie inside a hidden Chinese mountain temple. Photos and directions.

Email/Newsletter List

Keep up to date with Scot's gigs, publications, and other musical endeavors. Contact Scot to be added to the newsletter.

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Copyright © 2025 by Scot Ranney